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THE MESSAGE movie, the birth of Islam on Hi-Quality

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This post contains links for downloading a high quality separate ARABIC & ENGLISH DVDRip versions of THE MESSAGE movie, the best movie ever that truelly chronicles the birth of Islam by its prophet Muhammed (PBUH). It portrays how prophet Muhammed firstly announced his new message, and how the Quraish tribe (to whom he belongs) fought him and tried to bend him from spreading his words, which lead to the warfares of Badr and Uhud, the first battles in the Islamic history, and later, the victory of new Islam and the beginning of this relegion that started with one man who is the seal of the prophets, and ended up with more than 1.5 billion followers of islam and believers in its message and teachings


If you want the  Resalah Message movie music (OST – Original Sound Track), you can download it here


=*[The Message (1976) English-DVDRip 2CD]*=



Movie Trailer


Ryan Spaeth from Minneapolis, MN SAYS

I was assigned to view this movie for class. From what I have learned thus far, this movie is the best representation of the truth about Islam. With all that is going on in the world today and many people's misconceptions about Islam this is a must see for all.

Not only is it an educational masterpiece… The Message has a brilliant musical score, beautiful cinematography, a wonderful script, and terrific acting. If your video stores do not carry it, order it from Amazon.com and learn the truth about the origins of the worlds fastest growing religion and what it stands for




About the difference between the Arabic and the English editions of the movie

The following are links of movie is in its English edition

it comes in 2CDs in DivX format and Dolby Digital AC3 MP3 Audio

Note that the difference between the Arabic and English edition is not merely in the Audio (dubbed voices). In fact, the movie scenes were shoot twice, once with the actors speaking Arabic, and once speaking English, where sometimes Arabic speaking actors had to be replaced with English speaking actors for the English version.  But all in all, the movie is the exact same movie with its great story and fantastic action

For the Arabic version with hardcoded French subs click HERE

للنسخة العربية من الفلم اضغط هنا




Click the above picture  to get the files

Password for extraction is (www.al-rasid.com) without the brackets


For Spanish, Turkish, and Belarusian subs, download here [download#9#image]

For subs in other languages, try HERE

The audio might be out of sync, the solution is very simple. Use VLC player to play the video, and while playing, press Ctrl + L untill you reach an Audio delay of -300.


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منتجات مميّزة قد تهمّكم

عن الراصد (معاذ خطيب)

الراصد - معاذ خطيب، مدوّن وناشط سياسي واجتماعي وأكتب في النقد الاعلامي والسينمائي. أعمل في الترجمة والتدقيق اللغوي وادارة العلاقات العامة. مسلم فخور بإسلامه، واتشرف دائما بإظهار محاسن الاسلام وبتصحيح مفاهيم مغلوطة عنه. إن اردت معرفة تفاصيل اخرى مهمة جدا، مثل لماذا يكرهني محبّو اللون الأحمر ، افتح ملفّي الفيسبوكي في الرابط الّي تحت هذا السطر. مدوّناتي الاخرى هنا: http://Al-Rasid.com

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